CIEMAT, an Organism of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, is a Public Research Agency for excellence in energy and environment, as well as in many vanguard technologies and in various areas of fundamental research. The CIEMAT team in ECF4CLIM involves 3 distinct research groups:
CIEMAT-ASE, the Energy System Analysis Unit, includes natural scientists, economists and engineers with expertise in the environmental, socioeconomic and social sustainability of the production and consumption of energy produced by different fuel cycles.
CIEMAT-CISOT, the Sociotechnical Research Centre, includes social science and humanities researchers with expertise in risk perception, communication and social acceptance of energy technologies as well as the related public and stakeholder’s engagement strategies.
CIEMAT-EEE, the Energy Efficiency In Buildings Unit, includes Physicists and Architects which has wide experience and active research within the urban energy assessments: building energy modelling, optimization of the energy performance of buildings and neighborhoods thermal comfort evaluations, climate assessments, energy performance assessment of as-built in-use buildings.

IST integrates the University of Lisbon and aims to contribute to the development of society, promoting and sharing excellence in higher education in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Technology.
The IST team in ECF4CLIM includes natural scientists, engineers and architects with broad expertise in the fields of sustainability assessment, namely in the economic, environmental and social spheres, environmental management, climate change and citizens’ science. https://tecnico.ulisboa.pt/en/
University of Seville, with more than 70.000 students, and 6.700 staff, is the third-largest university in Spain. USE team consists of a group of engineers and architects with expertise in energy systems modelling, energy in buildings, indoor air quality analysis, renewables sustainability, storage systems, development of energy systems prototypes. https://www.us.es/
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), one of the major public universities in Spain is participating by the research center IGOP (Institute of Government and Public Policies), a consolidated research center composed by social science researchers, mainly of the political science and sociology areas. IGOP has three research lines: governance, democratic innovation and citizen engagement; analysis and evaluation of public policies; and social innovation, community action and common goods. https://www.uab.cat/
University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is an internationally renowned research university. The Finnish Institute for Educational Research, one of the special research units of JYU is participating in the ECF4CLIM project. Expertise in the entire educational system, from pre-school to higher education, and the links between vocational and academic education and working life. https://www.jyu.fi/en
Meda Research Ltd. is a Romanian SME, private research body. A team consisting of natural scientists and technology specialists with expertise in environmental research, engineering, impact assessment studies and evaluations, environmental analysis in the areas of energy, waste management, chemical pollutants and impact of infrastructure projects, is involved in ECF4CLIM project.
ISQ is a Portuguese private and independent organisation, not for profit, founded in 1965. The expertise of ISQ includes technical inspections, consultancy and engineering, testing, metrology, certification and training. It’s R&Di unit works in a wide range of technical areas such as: materials, joining technologies, structural integrity and risk assessment, sustainability, eco and energy efficiency, health and safety, quality assurance, production technologies, industrial automation, and robotics; and development of new qualifications and job profiles. https://www.isq.pt/EN/
TREBAG is an Hungarian private company with special focus on innovation, gamified training materials, serious game development, RD and trainings. In ECF4CLIM project TREBAG will create, co-create, and develop gamified basis for several educational materials. Researchers participating in this proposal have master degrees in Education, Engineering, Language and Literature and Sports. http://www.trebag.hu/
Smartwatt develops solutions based on artificial intelligence, engineering, and monitoring systems to optimize energy resources, with experience in the global energy market.
The researchers involved are electrical and computer engineers, software engineers and mathematicians. https://smartwatt.pt/en/